in b
methods described
b. Keep the engine running for several minutes
c above. D O N O T A T T E M P T T O
a f t e r the burner flame is completely extinguished to
cool the burner.
c. Place the ignition switch in the OFF position.
2-11. Shutting Down
d. Be sure the safety trip valve operating
a. Close the burner fuel line shutoff valve (para
mechanism falls back into the nonoperating
2 - 4 b) b y t u r n i n g v a l v e h a n d w h e e l c l o c k w i s e .
t h e wick is in the bottom of the heater under the
intake manifold.
The heater is designed to be used and will or-
b. S a t u r a t e t h e w i c k t h o r o u g h l y w i t h f u e l .
dinarily be operated in cold weather conditions.
c. lgnite the fuel and control the degree of heat
This section, however, contains the necessary
by opening or closing the intake heater lid. The
instructions in addition to those
most heat is available when the lid is left open.
previously covered which are necessary for the
Usually a minute or so after the heater is ignited the
proper functioning of the heater under unusual
frost will melt from the carburetor and the engine is
conditions such as moderately and extremely cold
then ready to start.
weather. The operator should maintain a closer
d. Close the lid to extinguish the intake heater
e. P u l l t h e c h o k e a l l t h e w a y o u t a n d s l o w l y
during unusual weather conditions.
operate the starter through 6 or 7 revolutions of the
2-13. Moderately Cold Weather
In moderately cold weather (32 to 0 F), the
f. Set the choke in half-open position and crank
e n g i n e might be difficult to start and will require
t h e engine vigorously.
additional choking through the warmup period.
g. R e d u c e t h e a m o u n t o f c h o k e s l o w l y a s t h e
2-14. Extremely Cold
engine warms up.
h. Operate the heater first with the discharge
In temperatures below 0 F , t h e c a r b u r e t o r m a y
o p e n i n g dampers at half-closed position, and if this
require external heat to assure starting. For this
i s insufficient then close the dampers fully (fig. 2-
reason, an intake manifold heater is installed on
s o m e engines to be used in extremely cold weather.
The intake manifold heater consists of a small
The MIL-STDmodel 1A08-3 engine is equipped
chamber with a hanged lid. The chamber is packed
with an air control valve, mounted in the lower air
with an asbestos wick, surrounding the intake
duct assembly of the engine. When the valve is
open, it limits the amount of air drawn over the
manifold. To operate the heater and to start the
engine for cooling it. The air control valve should
engine in extremely cold weather, proceed as
be openeed only when the outside temperature is--
20 F., or lower.
a. Open the intake heater lid and make sure that