TM 10-4520-261-12&P
0005 00
0005 00-9
Tie one end of each shelter line (1) to each wire rope (2) on stack cap (3). Set this assembly aside.
Unnest the stack assembly and assemble stack sections (4-9), in order of decreasing size, onto the
crimped end of each adjoining stack section. Each stack section is stamped on the side with a number.
The largest diameter stack section is stamped 1 and installs in the heater body. The smallest diameter
stack section is stamped 6 and is the topmost stack section. Lift the assembled exhaust stack (10) and
pass it through the exhaust opening (11).
Outside the Shelter
As the stack assembly passes through the exhaust opening (11), have a person on the outside of the
shelter install and fully seat the stack cap (3) with attached lines (1) onto topmost stack section (4).
Inside the shelter, raise the stack assembly and position the bottom stack (9) into the stack adaptor
opening (12). This completes the assembled exhaust stack (10).
On the outside of the shelter, drive three stakes (not supplied with SHA) (13) into ground, positioned
evenly apart and a minimum of six feet (1.83 meters) from the base of heater (14) as it is positioned
inside the shelter.
Fire Danger
It is important to stake the exhaust stack securely since this will keep the
exhaust stack vertical and seated firmly within the stack adapter with a
downward force. This also stabilizes the heater and helps prevent it from
being knocked over if bumped by equipment or people inside the shelter.
Secure staking assists in holding the shelter roof and sides is position
during windy conditions. If the guy lines are improperly spaced and/or
loose, the shelter roof and sides can flap during snowy, windy conditions.
If the shelter itself is not taut, the roof and side walls can flap, getting
quite close to the heater, creating a fire danger.
Making sure that the assembled exhaust stack (10) is positioned straight, tie the stack cap guy lines (1)
securely to the stakes (13) to prevent it from swaying (be sure that the stack cap guy lines (1) are taut
when complete).