TM 10-4520-262-12&P 0037 00
0037 00-5
1. Inspect the burner assembly components (1) for any bends, dents, or other damage that would
prevent the components from fitting together properly.
2. Inspect the wick assembly (2) to ensure that it does not have any holes. If the wick has holes,
replace the entire burner assembly as detailed later in this work package.
3. Inspect the wick assembly (2) and ensure that it does not have an carbon buildup. If so, clean the
wick assembly as described in SERVICE below.
4. Inspect the inside of the burner assembly (3) and ensure that it does not have a carbon buildup. If
so, clean the inside of the burner assembly as described in SERVICE below.
5. After inspection, reassemble burner assembly components and install burner assembly as
detailed in SERVICE below.