TM 5-4520-208-15
43. General
44. Daily Preventive Maintenance Services
To insure that the heater is ready for opera-
This paragraph contains an illustrated tabu-
lated listing of preventive maintenance services
tion at all times, it must be inspected syste-
which must be performed by the operator. The
matically so that defects may be discovered and
item numbers are listed consecutively and indi-
corrected before they result in serious damage
cate the sequence of minimum requirements.
or failure. The necessary Preventive Mainte-
Refer to figure 18 for the Daily Preventive
nance Services are listed and described in para-
Maintenance Services.
graphs 44 through 47. The item numbers in-
dicate the sequence of minimum inspection
45. Quarterly Preventive Maintenance
requirements. Defects discovered during opera-
tion of the unit shall be noted for future cor-
a. This paragraph contains an illustrated
tabular listing of preventive maintenance serv-
rection, to be made as soon as the operation
ices to be performed by Organizational Main-
has ceased. Stop operation immediately if a
tenance personnel at quarterly intervals. A
deficiency is noticed during operation which
quarterly interval is equal to 3 calendar months,
would damage the equipment if the operation
or 250 hours of operation, whichever occurs
was continued. All deficiencies and shortcom-
ings will be recorded together with the correc-
b. The item numbers are listed consecutively
tive action taken on DA Form 2404 (Equip-
and indicate the minimum requirements. Refer
ment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet)
to figure 19 for Quarterly Preventive Mainte-
nance Services.
at the earliest possible opportunity.