TM 5-4520-208-15
f. When not in operation close air inlet door
36. Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas
a. Locate heater in an area free of sand, dust,
install exhaust stack and air outlet covers.
or loose earth, if possible.
Cover heater with tarpaulin.
b. Before operating, if water is available, wet
surrounding area with water to keep down ac-
37. Operation in Salt Water and High
cumulation of dust.
Humidity Areas
c. Take all necessary precautions to prevent
a. Wipe all accessible exposed areas frequent-
dust or sand from entering fuel tank while
b. Coat all exposed machined surfaces with
d. Perform more frequent inspections and
lubrication. Wipe off all excess lubricant. Refer
c. Keep fuel tank cap tightly closed.
to TM 5-2805-208-14 for inspection and lubri-
d. Keep electrical connections dry.
cation procedures pertaining to the Model
e. Growth of fungus is the major cause of
1A08III Military Standard Engine.
failure in humid climates. Take every precau-
tion to keep the equipment dry, and well venti-
e. Remove accumulations of sand and dirt at
lated Replace any part attacked by fungus.
frequent intervals.