TM 5-4520-208-15
1. Cooling air discharge. Direct heat
33 to
stop the heater. Remove ducts and store
at this opening, keeping the tip
ducts on trailer. Install outlet cover.
of the flame at the edge of the
opening and horizontal with the
base. Move the torch back and
35. Operation in Extreme Cold (Below 0F)
forth across this opening. Moving
a. General.
torch will prevent "hot spots" and
(1) Fill fuel tank daily to prevent conden-
heat will pass under the oil sump
sation. Remove snow or ice from fuel
and up the cooling shrouds to
tank cap and dispensing equipment be-
the cylinder walls and heads.
fore filling fuel tank.
2. Flywheel opening. Direct heat at
in the current lubrication order.
this opening, moving the torch as
(3) Service gasoline engine fuel filter
stated in 1. above. This will warm
flywheel and transfer heat to
(4) Operate heater a short time each day
crankshaft. CONTINUE FOR 1
to prevent water from getting in heat-
er controls.
3. Repeat 1 above. Turn the engine
(5) Cover heater with a tarpaulin to pro-
over occasionally.
tect from the weather.
4. Repeat 2 above.
(6) Park heater in a sheltered spot out of
5. Intake manifold, fuel pump, and
the wind, or park on high, dry ground
fuel filter. Direct heat at these
or concrete. If ground is wet or thaw-
areas alternately, keeping tip of
ing is imminent, park trailer on planks
flame approximately 3 inches
to prevent wheels from freezing in
from surface. Always keep torch
moving. CONTINUE FOR 1
(7) Clean all parts of heater of snow, ice,
and mud as soon as possible after op-
(3) Starting. After Steps 1 through 5
above have been completed, the engine
b. Gasoline Engine.
is ready to be started immediately. The
(1) Charge oil prior to cold exposure.
following are simple and proven start
(a) Drain the engine fuel system to re-
ing procedures.
move all traces of water.
(a) A firm steady pull is all that is
(b) Connect engine to a supply of
Arctic gasoline. Start engine (pars
(b) Make one pull with the choke fully
32) and
operate until
engine is
closed (be prepared to partially open
choke should the engine fire.)
(c) Shut down engine and drain the oil.
Make the next pull with the choke
Refill with MIL-L-10295 (OES)
in the 1/2 open position. If the
engine oil.
engine does not start, more heat
(d) Start engine and operate for one
may be required. After heating, the
flywheel should turn easily by
(2) Exposed to -65F.
(a) Preheat engine. Light the winter-
(4) Exposed to 45F. For starts at a
ization torch according to instruc-
45F, the same procedures are requir-
ed, though a shorter heating period
is satisfactory. Heating period, how-
(b) Adjust winterization torch to the
ever, should not be less than 7
proper flame and concentrate the
heat on the following areas: