TM 5-4520-208-15
Figure 27. Fan mounting ring, removal points (BT400-40-1).
(4) Press fan hub (17) on bearing. Install
vaneaxial fan (18)
on hub and se-
cure with three cap screws (21 ) and
er unit.
lockwashers (20).
(5) Position resilient mount (7) on fan
f. Installation (BT400-40-1).
bearing support (6) and secure with
(1) Perform steps (1) through (6) of
two screws (8). Install three fan
paragraph e. above.
guards (10) and secure with three
(2) Install mounting ring in casing. Line
up center hole in casing with center
and 32), two flat washers (28) and
hole in mounting ring.
nuts (31).
(6) Install coupling sleeve (1) in flexible
(3) Install hinge support bracket with at-
robber sleeve bushing (2) and place
sleeve bushing in coupling half (30).
secure with three screws and lock-
Install two retainers (5) and secure
(4) Connect door supports to cabinet and
secure with four screws, lockwashers,
(7) Install fan ring, with attached parts,
and nuts.
in casing and secure with three screws
(14) and lockwashers (15).
using two screws.
power unit.