TM 5-4520-208-15
(3) Remove nut (9, fig. 42) from junction
minals, or other damage. Inspect
box cover and remove cable (6), with
connector for defects. Replace all
attached connector, from junction box
damaged parts.
d. Installation.
(4) Loosen two screws (7) securing cable
(1) Position rubber bushing and gland
to connector body (8) and remove
nut on connector body (8).
(s) Remove nut (9) from connector body
(2) Insert cable (6) into the connector
and remove gland washer and rubber
and secure by tightening two screws
bushing from nut (9).
(3) Install cable, with attached connector,
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
on cover (4) and secure with nut (9).
(1) Wipe the cable clean with a cloth
dampened with soap and water and
cable leads to ON-OFF switch and in-
dry thoroughly. Clean metal parts in
stall ON-OFF switch and cover on
an approved cleaning solvent and dry
junction box.
(2) Inspect the cable for cuts, breaks,
tric motor power unit.
(2) Remove eight rim bolts (12), lock-
107. General
washers (5), and nuts (4) that secure
a. The tubular framed trailer is designed to
outer rim (9) to inner rim (6). Sep-
transport the heater. An adjustable tow bar is
arate outer and inner rims and re-
mounted on the front of the frame to be used
move from pneumatic tire (8) and
in towing the trailer,
inner tube (7). Remove inner tube
b. A basket mounted on the front of the
from pneumatic tire.
heater carries the 12-inch air hose and duct
(3) Remove ribbed shoulder bolts (1)
adapter. Duct holdens on the sides support and
from hub assembly. Remove and dis-
store the 6-inch air hose when not in use.
assemble the other wheel in the same
108. Trailer Wheels
d. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
a. General. The two trailer wheels are
(1) Clean the tire and tube with mild soap
mounted on the axle and are the pneumatic-
and water and dry thoroughly. Re-
tire type. The wheels are free running, with no
move rust and scale from wheel as-
driving or braking components attached.
sembly with a wire brush.
b. Removal.
(2) Clean all metal parts in an approved
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
(3) Install valve cores and inflate the
tubes and submerge in water. Check
to hub assembly (2) and remove wheel
for air bubbles which will indicate a
and tire.
leak in the tube. Repair the tube if it
(3) Remove outer and inner tapered roller
is leaking.
bearing cups (3 and 13) and plain en-
(4) Inspect the tires for wear, holes, cuts,
cased seal (14) f rom the hub assembly
damage. Replace a worn or damaged
c. Disassembly.
(1) Remove valve cap and valve core
(5) Inspect all metal parts for cracks,
(27) from valve stem and allow air
breaks, wear, damaged threads, cor-
to escape from inner tube (7).
rosion, distortion, or other damage.