TM 5-4520-208-15
b. Removal. Remove four U-bolts (2, fig.
111. Tow Bar and Pins
45), lockwashers (5), and nuts (4) that secure
a. General. An adjustable tow bar is mount-
basket (1) to handle and remove basket.
ed on the front of the trailer frame. Tow bar
c. Cleaning Inspection, and Repair.
can be attached to the pintle of a towing
(1) Clean all parts in an approved clean-
vehicle or to another trailer. Each trailer has a
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
pin assembly on the rear of the trailer frame
(2) Inspect the basket and hardware for
for securing the tow bar of another trailer.
bends, damaged
The tow bar can be lowered to a vertical po-
threads, or other damage. Straighten
sition to form a support to keep the trailer
minor bends, weld all breaks and
in a level position.
cracks, and replace damaged hard-
b. Removal.
ware. Replace the basket if it is un-
(1) Support front end of trailer frame to
keep it level.
d. Installation. Position basket (1, fig. 45)
(2) Remove tow bar assembly (13, fig,
on handle and secure by installing four U-bolts
45) from tow bar assembly (22) and
trailer frame assembly (21).
(3) Remove screw (23) and self-locking
113. Duct Holders
nut (7) securing tow bar to trailer
a. General. The 6-inch air hose, when not
frame and remove tow bar.
in use, are stored on the duct holders.
(4) Remove screw (12) and lockwasher
b. Removal.
(11 ) securing chain and tow bar pin
assembly to the trailer frame and re-
washer (9), and nut (8) that secure
move the pin.
duct holder (14) to trailer frame and
(5) Remove pintle pin assembly (18) in
remove duct holder.
the same manner.
(2) Remove remaining two duct holders
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(14) in the same manner.
(1) Clean all parts in an approved clean-
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
(1) Clean all parts in an approved clean-
(2) Inspect al! parts for breaks, cracks,
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
bends, broken links, damaged threads,
(2) Inspect all parts for breaks, bends,
or other damage. Replace all unserv-
cracks, damaged threads, missing
iceable damaged parts.
d. Installation.
parts, or other damage. Replace all
(1) Install two chains connected to pin
missing or damaged parts.
assemblies (13 and 18) on trailer
d. Installation.
frame assembly (21) and secure with
(1) Position duct holder (14, fig. 45) on
trailer frame assembly (21) and se-
cure by installing screw (10), lock-
(2) Position tow bar assembly (22) on
washer (9), and nut (8).
trailer frame and secure by installing
(2) Install remaining two duct holders
screw (23 ) and self-locking nut (7).
(14) in the same manner.
(3) Secure tow bar assembly (22) in the
desired position by installing tow bar
114. Handle
pin assembly (13).
a. General. The handle, mounted on the
(4) Remove blocking (b(1) above).
front of the trailer frame, affords the opera-
tor ease of movement when manually moving
112. Basket
the heater about.
a. General. The basket, mounted to the
b. Removal.
handle. affords storage for the 12-inch air hose
and duct adapter.