TM 5-4520-253-13
A D J U S T / l N S P E C T / S E R V I C E / R E M O V E / l N S T A L L S I D E P A N E L S A N D
3. Remove right-hand and left-hand louver panels (7 and 8) by unlocking eight studs (9) at each
4. Remove cotter pins (10), washers (11), and springs (12). Lift off louver linkages (5).
5. Remove cotter pin (13), washers (14), and spring (15). Lift off end of louver handle (16) and
pull handle out through wall of heater case.
6. Unscrew nut (18) and remove screw (19) and washer (20). Lift off pivot bar (21).
7. Four screws (22) and lock washers (23) are installed in each louver panel
They secure side covers when side covers are used. If side covers are not
screws (22) and lock washers (23).
at time of shipment.
used, do not remove
Do not overtighten nut (18) when installing pivot bar (21).
Tighten only enough to allow free movement of the pivot
1. Install pivot bar (21) using screw (19), washer (20), and nut (18). Place washer under head of