TM 9-4931-381-14&P-22-5. Thermal System Test Controller Case.TaskT i t leFrames1Remove Thermal System Test ControlIer for Access Only1 - 3-- Task 2 deleted --3Remove Cooling Interconnect Fan Assembly W185 - 64Repair Cooling Interconnect Fan Assembly W187 - 95Replace Cooling Fan1 0 - 1 36Replace Identification Plate147InstalI Cooling Interconnect Fan Assembly W181 5 - 1 68InstalI Thermal System Test ControlIer1 7 - 1 8TASK 1. Remove Thermal System Test Controller for Access Only.Applicability: All ModelsCommon Tools:Screwdriver, cross tip, No. 2Screwdriver, flat tipSpecial Tools: NoneSupplies: NonePersonnel: ThreeSoldier A:Removes thermal systemSoldier B:Lifts thermal system testSoldier C:Lifts thermal system testSoldiers B and C not needed until frame 2.Equipment Condition:test controlIer chassis assembly.controlIer chassis assembly and helps Soldier A.controlIer chassis assembly and helps Soldier A.NOTEThermal system test controlIer on a clean work surface.Preliminary Procedure:Remove thermal system test controlIer case cover; refer to volume I, para. 4-17.Volume IVPara. 2-5, Task 1Change 1 2-5
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