TM 10-4500-200-13
b. Starting with Old Style Float Valve.
(1) Remove the heater lid.
a. The instructions in this section are published forthe
(2) Turn the ON-OFT valve lmob to the ON
information and guidance of personnel responsible for
position and turn the flow adjustment knob up to 9. When
operation of the space heaters.
the burner bottom is wet with fuel, turn the flow adjustment
b. The operator must know how to perform every
knob back to 0.
operation of which the space heater is capable. This section
(3) If gasoline is used as fuel, drop a lighted match
gives instructiona on starting and stopping the space heater,
or paper into the burner before turning the flow adjustment
operation of the space heater, and on coordinating the basic
knob to 9. If oil is used, drop a small wad of lihgted paper
motions to perform the specific tasks for which the equip-
or oily rag into the burner after the bottom is wet with fuel.
ment is designed. Since nearly every job presents a differ-
ent problem, the operator may have to vary gives proce-
dures to fit the individual job.
Keep face and hands away from the opening.
without Conversion Kit
(4) When the botom is blazing, place the top lid,
After 5 minutes when using gasoline and after 15 minutes
When using oil(time for the heater towarm Up), set the
a. Preparation for Starting. Perform the before
adjustment knob for the size of the flare desired. Maintain
a clean, smokeless flame. The range of adjustment for
b. Starting.
gasoline is indicated by an arrow on the dial from 0 to 7.
(1) Set the damper in its open position.
Any setting above 7 wil lwaste fuel and cause heavy smoke.
(2) Open the ash door, and remove the heater lid.
Theoiloperating range 0 to 9.
(3) Put a kindling crisscross on the paper on the
c. Starting with New Style Float Valve.
(4) Replace the heater lid.
(1) Remove heater lid.
(5) Ignite paper.
(2) set fuel selector control to the roper position
(6) When the kindling catches fire, put one shovel
foe the fuel being used.
of coal on the kindling.
(3) Turn ON-OFF valve knob to the ON position
(7) When the coal is burning well, close the ash
and turn the heat output knob up to HI. When the bumer
door halfway. Regulate the heat output by varying the ash
bottom is wet with fuel,turn the heat output knob down to
door opening, and by turning the damper in the smoke pipe.
(8) Add coal at intervals to maintain a firebed of
(4) If gasoline is used as a fuel, drop a lighted
about 3 inches on the grate. Push live coals to rear, and add
match or paper into the burner before turning the heat
fresh coal at the front. The escaping gases from the fresh
output knob to HI. If oil is used, drop a small wad of lighted
coal will be burned off as they pass over the live coals.Add
paper or oily rag into the burner after bottom is wetwith
a shovel of coal after each previous shovel of coal begins
to burn, until the desired fierebed is reached. Never cover up
all of the brightly burning coal with fresh coal.
(9) To remove ashes and clinkers, push the draw
Keep face and hands away from the pening.
grate gently back and forthwith the shaker until a faint red
(5) When bottom is blazing, replace the top lid.
glow appears. Use the shaker sparingly. Do not extinguish
After 5 minutes when using gasoline and after 15 minutes
the fire, or waste fuel by shaking burning coals intothe
whenuaingoil (timefortheheater towarmup), settheheat
aahpit. Some ashes left on the grate will protect the grate
output knob for the size of flame desired. Maintain a clean,
and help control the fire.
smokeless flame.
(10) To bank the fire, fill the stove with coal and
openthe ashdoor slightly. Close the damperin thepipe
2-16. Stopping (Type II
and Type I
with Converslon
Kit Installed)
2-14. Stopping (Type I
without Conversion Klt
Turn the flow adjustment knob to 0, and then turn the
ON-OFF valve to OFF.
a. Shake burning coals into the ashpit.
b. Remove the burning coals, open the ash door, and
Do not attempt to light the burner while the buner
allow the remaining fire to burn out.
and heater are warm. If the flame is accidemtly
2-15. Starting (Type II
and Type I
with Conversion
extinguiabed, turn the ON-OFF valve knob to the
Kit Installed)
OFF position immediately. Allow the burner to
cool, then wipe up excess fuel from the burner
a. Preparation for Starting. Perform the before-
bottom before delighting.
Change 19