TM 5-4520-240-14
b. Inspect the heat exchanger and its exhaust pipe
housing. Pull the heat exchanger up and out to remove
for cracks, breaks, holes, excessive corrosion, and other
it, and remove the gasket (23).
damage. Replace a damaged heat exchanger.
m. If the data plates (30 and 32) are damaged, drill
out the rivets (29 and 31) and remove the data plates
c. Inspect the exchanger housing for distortion, cor-
from the heater case,
rosion, and other damage. Small dents or holes in the
housing may be repaired as necessary, but if the
9-3. Cleaning and Inspection.
blower, burner head, or heat exchanger does not seat
properly on the housing, you must replace the housing.
Clean parts in a well-ventilated area.
Avoid inhalation of solvent fumes and
d. Inspect the burner head for cracks, breaks, holes,
prolonged exposure of skin to cleaning
and distortion. Check that the threads in the igniter
solvent. Wash exposed skin
and glow plug mounting holes are not damaged.
thoroughly. Dry cleaning solvent (fed.
Replace a damaged burner head.
spec. P-D-680) used to clean parts is
e. Discard and replace the gaskets (4, 13, and 23, fig.
potentially dangerous to personnel
9-3). The exhaust washer (14) may be reused if it is not
and property. Do not use near open
distorted, compressed, or damaged.
flame or excessive heat. Flash point of
solvent is 100F (38C).
9-4. Installation.
a. Clean all metal parts except the overheat ther-
a. Install the heat exchanger and burner head in the
mostat in dry cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-D-680),
heater case in the reverse order of the index numbers in
using a wire brush to remove deposits from the heat ex-
changer and burner head. If necessary, use compressed
b. Install the thermocouple in the heat exchanger
air to dry out solvent from the inside of the heat ex-
using a new grommet (11, fig. 9-2). Install the glow
changer before reinstalling it in the heater.
The heat exchanger confines the com-
bustion gases and directs them to the
c. Install the carburetor on the burner head in the
exhaust pipe. It must be air tight to
d. Connect the exhaust piping, making sure all joint
from entering the heated enclosure.
are tight. Install the cover panels and warm air louver.
Any crack or hole through the ex-
changer walls requires exchanger
e. Connect the power and thermostat plugs, and turn
on the fuel supply. Test the heater for proper operation.