T M 9 - 4 9 3 1 - 3 8 1 - 1 4 & P - 2
b. Crimping Wires.
pliers. Strip insulation from
Color bands on
Cut off and get rid of broken, bent, or discolored contacts with
wires with a thermal wire stripper.
contacts indicate size of wire; for example,
contacts with green color bands for 22-26 gauge wire.
Contacts with red color bands are for 20-24 gauge wire.
Put contact into crimping tool with coIor band toward rear. Put bare wire into contact and
squeeze crimping tool. Takeout crimped contact from tool and check crimp by looking through
inspection hole. You must be able to see end of bare wire.
c. Tagging Electrical Wires. Look at component or part to see if wiring or component
has numbers or letters. Write numbers or letters on tag (Item 34, appendix C) with (Item 19,
appendix C) pencil. Fasten tag on wire. Remove tags after parts or wires are installed. If you
cannot tag a wire or component for some reason, write down the wire location and terminating
point. After connecting wires without tags, check continuity of wire to make sure it is
connected to the correct point.
d. Replacing Wires.
Use solvent in a well ventilated area away from open flame.
Solvent can burn easily and may give off harmful vapor.
Cut shrinkable sleeving from terminals of wire to be replaced. Unsolder wire or cut if crimped.
When soldering or unsoldering wires, hold the bare wire near the soldering point with long round
nose pliers. Pliers act as a heat sink preventing heat damage to electrical and electronic
components. Cut new wire to desired length and slide new heat-shrinkable tubing over ends of
wire. Push sleeving back and strip insulation off wire with thermal wire stripper. Solder or
crimp wire to end terminal. Clean soldered joint with acid swabbing brush (Item 8, appendix C)
and solvent cleaning compound (Item 30, appendix C). Slide sleeving over connection. Using
thermal gun, shrink sleeving.
e. Installing Heat Shrinkable Sleeving. Heat-shrinkable sleeving should be twice the
diameter of the part it will be shrunk over. Slide sleeving over wire and terminal. Hold
thermal gun 4 to 5 inches away from sleeving and apply heat for 30 seconds. Take thermal gun
away as soon as sleeving forms to shape of wire and terminal. Let sleeving cool 30 seconds
before handling.
f. Replacing Diodes (semiconductors), Relays, Potentiometers, Switches, Circuit
Breakers, Wires, and Capacitors.
Capacitors may hold high voltage that can cause injury.
Before removing capacitors, short them to ground.
Volume IV
Para. 4-4