T M 9 - 4 9 3 1 - 3 8 1 - 1 4 & P - 2j. Cleaning Electrical Components.WARNINGUse solvent in a well-ventilated area away from open flame.Solvent can burn easiIy and may give off harmful vapors.Clean dirt, grease, dust, and old compounds off cable harnesses, parts, connectors, andreceptacles by dipping them into a container filled with solvent cleaning compound (item 30,appendix C). Shake parts insolvent or wipe them clean with a Iint-free cloth (Item 9, appendixC). Clean dirt, grease, and dust off recessed areas with acid swabbing brush (item 8, appendixC) or lint-free cloth. Dry compnents/parts, connectors, and receptacles completely with low-pressure, dry compressed air, or with a clean, lint-free cloth.k. Cleaning Threaded Holes. Threaded holes in metal must be thoroughly clean whensealing compounds are used to lock screws in place. Take off old sealing compound fromthreads with tap and tap wrench. Blow Ioose particles out of holes with compressed air, thenclean threads with solvent cleaning compound (Item 30, appendix C) and acid swabbing brush(Item 8, appendix C). Let holes dry before putting unscrews.l. Replacing Inserts.WARNINGPrimers can burn easiIy and can give off harmful vapors. Toavoid injury, keep away from open fire and use in well-ventilated area.Take out insert with insert extractor and get rid of insert. Clean area thoroughly, blow loose particles out of hole with compressed air. After cleaning, all parts shall be completely dry andfree of corrosion products, scale, paint, grease, oil, fIux, and other foreign materials. Coatoutside of new insert with unthinned primer (Item 23, appendix C). While primer is wet screwinsert in housing with insert tool. Unscrew and take out insert tool. If insert is in a blind hole,break off tang from insert with tang break-off tool and get rid of tang. When primer has driedthoroughly, coat any exposed surfaces with chemical film (Item 12, appendix C).Volume IVPara. 4-44-4
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