TM 10-4500-200-13
(3) Float valve
(4) Oil-pot burner
When capture or abandonment of the space heater is immi-
(5) Hoses
nent, the responsible unit commander must make the deci-
b. Other Demolition Methods.
sion either to destroy the equipment or render it inopera-
(1) Scattering and concealment. Remove all easily
tive. Based on this decision, orders are issued which cover
the desired extent of destruction. Whatever method of
accessible components and scatter them through dense
foliage, bury them in dirt, or submerge them in a lake,
demolition is employed, it is essential to destroy the same
stream, or other body of water.
vital parts of all space heaters and all corresponding repair
(2) Submersion. Totally submerge the space heater
in a body of water to provide water damage and conceal-
ment. Salt water will damage metal parts more than fresh
2-41. Demolition to
Render the Space Heater
c. Training. All operators should receive thorough
a. Demolition by Mechanical Means. Use sledge ham-
training in the destruction of the space heater. See FM-5-
mers, crowbars, picks, axes, or any other heavy tool which
25. Simulated destruction, using the methods given above,
may be available to destroy the following
should be included in the operator training program. It
Type I without Conversion Kit installed
must be emphasized in training that demolition operations
(1) Heater pipe
usually are necessitated by critical situations when time
(2) Heater body
available for carrying out destruction is limited. For this
(3) Grate
reason, it is necessary that operators be thoroughly familiar
Type II and Type I with Conversion Kit installed
with all methods of destruction and be able to carry out
(1) Heater pipe
instructions without reference to this or any other manual.
(2) Heater body
Type I with Conversion Kit installed. All other items are
basic to both types. For an explanation of repair parts
The following tabular listings comprise the repair parts
listings, refer to Chapter 1, Section II of this manual. Refer
applicable to the M1941 Type I and Type II tent heaters.
Items coded (A) are applicable to Type I without Conversion
Kit installed. Items coded (B) are applicable to Type II and
Change 14