T M 9 - 4 9 3 1 - 3 8 1 - 1 4 & P - 2FRAME 33Remove Circuit Breaker:1.2.3.NOTElFurther access to panel can reobtained by removingpanel assembly A1; refer to task 1 as required.lTo replace circuit breaker CB1, do frames 33 and 34.To replace circuit breaker CB2, do frames 35 and36.lRefer to paragraph 2-4 on tagging and soldering wiresbefore doing any work.Remove potting compound from circuit breaker (1) with knife.Tag and unsolder wires (2) from terminals (3).Unscrew and take off nut (4), two flat washers (5), and locating flange (6) withhandle and socket. Turn in circuit breaker (1), nut (4), two fIat washers (5), andIocating flange (6).GO TO FRAME 34Volume IVPara. 2-6, Task 162-81
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