TM 5-4520-208-15
i. Perform the before-operation services
and turn the gasoline engine power unit over
several times with the starter rope to see
j. Perform the daily preventive maintenance
whether the engine turns freely. On Model
BT40040 heaters, inspect electric motor pow-
k. Lubricate the heater in accordance with
er unit for exterior damage and loose or missing
the current lubrication order.
hardware. Rotate the shaft of the electric
motor power unit to see whether the rotor
Warning: When filling the fuel tank, do not
smoke or use an open flame in the vicinity.
d. Heater. Inspect the
igniter plug for
Always provide a metal-to-metal contact
broken or cracked insulator.
between the container and the tank. This will
e. Fuel Tank. Inspect the
fuel tank
(fig. 2)
prevent a spark from being generated as the
for breaks or dents.
gasoline flows over the metallic surfaces.
f. Inspecting Used Equipment. Special atten-
l. Fill the fuel tank with the proper grade of
tion must be given to indications of more than
normal wear. Give particular attention to tube
assemblies for damage and leaks. Check all
11. Installation of Separately Packed
controls and gages for proper connections, Note
any damage and report to direct support main-
Note. If heater was received assembled (para 7b.),
omit steps a. through f. below.
g. Servicing Used Equipment. Service the
a. Springs, Axle, and Wheels.
engine fuel filter (para 48) and start the heater
(1) Position wheel assembly (5, fig. 17)
and check all controls and gages for proper
on hub (9) and secure by installing
h. Correcting or Reporting Deficiencies.
stall the other wheel in the same
Correct all deficiencies noticed or report them
to direct support maintenance.
Figure 6. Power units, mounting brackets.