T M 9 - 4 9 3 1 - 3 8 1 - 1 4 & P -2
F R A M E 17
Remove Hinge:
Volume IV
Take out six machine screws (1), six Iockwashers (2), twelve flat washers (3), and six
hexagon plain nuts (4) with screwdriver and wrench. Get rid of lockwashers (2).
Remove butt hinge (5) from chassis (6).
Install Hinge:
1. Line upholes in new hinge (5) with chassis (6).
Screw in and tighten six screws (1), six new Iockwashers (2), twelve washers (3), and
six nuts (4) with screwdriver and wrench.
Follow-on Maintenance:
1. Install cover; refer to task 13.
2. Install connector bracket; refer to task 15.
3. Install electrical load bank A5; refer task 16.
4. InstalI thermal system test controlIer; refer to para. 2-5, task 8.
5. InstalI thermal system test controller case cover; refer to volume 1, para. 4-18. 18.
Para. 2-11, Task 11